Friday, March 1, 2013

Energy Work: Going Beneath the Chatter

I've been writing these blogs for the last couple of months and I am so excited about the responses I have been getting. My purpose in writing is to get myself out there and to talk to people about the work that I do. I want to help as many people as possible, and I also want to educate people about what healing work is all about.

Today I want to break down what a healing session looks like so if you've never been, you can visualize what a session would be like and will perhaps feel inclined to begin the work for yourself.

The set up: the client (you) lies on the massage table fully clothed and covered by a sheet and blanket. The practitioner (yours truly) sets the space with an invocation which for me states that within this session may the highest of the high be experienced and realized in order to help this person decompress stresses of all kinds and go deeper into who they truly are.

The session: Guided by the scientific education of hands on therapies and spiritual intuition I listen to what is needed for the healing to take place. The journey is never the same for any two people, and rarely the same for one person from session to session. My intention is to help a client reboot and unwind in their session.

The client: a deepened state of consciousness sets in for the client and a journey into unbounded awareness starts to take place.

What is this all about?

Imagine an ocean from top to bottom. The waves on top are our thoughts, the constant chatter. This is where the external world all of us live in happens day in and day out, and is rarely given a chance to be quieted. Even in our dreams our minds are active, working out the stresses of our waking thoughts. The focus, organization and stress of what the mind takes in and puts out all day long is huge!

Everyday think about what you wake up, and immediately your mind goes to what lies ahead for the day and all that you need to accomplish, usually before you are even out of bed. We get up, work out, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, go back to work, go home, or go out with friends, eat dinner, watch TV, or work some more. Somewhere in there we take care of kids, we go on Facebook, we pay bills and plan for our future vacations, for our investments, and we try to maintain relationships with friends and family. At the end of the day we brush our teeth and go to bed, hopefully without the thoughts of the day keeping us up, only to get up and do it all over again. The routine is constant and some days are good while others feel bad. The difference between our good and bad days can often be attributed to our stress levels, and how we are dealing with those stresses.

Stress seeps in little by little (or a lot by a lot) and it seems never ending. Where does it go? Does it just disappear? No. Your body begins to break down little by little as these stresses accumulate.

The amazing thing is these thoughts, and these everyday stresses, are really just the surf of the ocean. These are the 5 to 10 percent usage of your mind that most of us live in. What many people don't know is that there is 90 to 95 percent more of our brain that is accessible to each and every one of us, and which takes us deeper into ourselves. When we unwind these stresses, we can more easily use more of our intellect and therefore more fully be who we are.

Diving into the massive ocean is where the juice is. This is where unbounded awareness lives and it can be yours for the price of...nothing. It's FREE! Yes it is FREE to look inside the self, to explore inside the self and to bathe in the beauty that exists in the self. When you go underneath the chatter, stress automatically starts to unwind and decompress. The vastness of your ocean is unlimited and accessible to you through different outlets.

One outlet is to meditate every day for at least 20 minutes a day (best results doing this twice a day).

Another outlet is to go see a healer that can help guide you into a deepened state, which allows you to heal the mind, body and spirit. If you become a consistent client each session will take you into a healthier place.

And this is what healing work is all about. Going beneath the noise, to the source of your pure intelligence, creativity, light and Oneness with all living things. It is my purpose in life to do this work. I would be honored to assist you on your journey towards a stress-free existence.

Please contact me, as always, with any questions or comments. Feel free to comment on the blog if you have experienced energy work yourself and want to share what your experience was like. And thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. You are a great healer who helped me a great deal and who has given me that push to learning how to do it on my own. I am grateful. Blessings, Love and Light to you and your loved ones.
